But that's not my great news! My great news is ....
Life of Texas Job Seeker is on its way to becoming a reality.
A counseling center in South Texas.
Today my proposal to start an Adult Basic Computer Training Course was accepted in Goliad, Texas. Within a couple months I hope to teach the elderly, adults and youth the basics required to function in a computerized environment. Within one year, I hope to incorporate an after school program to tutor our youth and assist with computer training. Within two years, I hope to incorporate a counseling center for the unemployed which will focus on the same goals and values as Life of Texas Job Seeker. While I know it's impossible to end unemployment, I hope to be a part of the solution. I know two years is far into the future, but that doesn't even matter at this point. I'm just happy my cause is no longer on paper. As mentioned earlier, LTJS is well on its way to becoming a reality and that is what matters.
Keep me in your prayers and if you have five seconds, do a happy dance just for me and reducing unemployment!
- B