To devote everything in you to a cause or person also means giving up control.
What we fail to realize as adults is that when we were young, we would blindly commit to everything. Our parents, our adventures, our causes…the road of commitment was endless. Why? Because we knew without a doubt that if we gave it our all, our benefits would far outweigh our efforts. However, there’s this point in our lives between childhood and adulthood that our drive to commit to something or someone other than ourselves disappears.
We begin to seek the self in everything, because let’s face it – if we can control the process and outcome; the reward will be greater – right?
We no longer listen to our parents, counselors, mentors and pastors; because what do they know?
We begin to hear ourselves saying:
If I could just do this...
If I can just get there...
I know I can do this if...
We’ve become a society of I’s.
It says in Psalms 37:4; "if you delight yourself in the lord, he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in him; and he will do it."
We all have different definitions of commitment, so let me break this down. To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrusting everything
Our lives. Our families. Our jobs. Our possessions – to His control and guidance.
I know this is a scary task, but you give up your control to a doctor when you’re sick.
You give up your control to the prescribed medication to bring you through.
You also give up control to the government to take care of you when you no longer think you’re capable.
So it’s a pretty simple task, right? Why not give up control to God?
No matter what your age is today, you once blindly committed to something greater than yourself because you believed that no matter what - you would be taken care of. I think in 2016, we all need to tap into that feeling again. It’s time to decide if you want to continue a life full of strife, confusion and anxiety OR a life full of peace because you know that God not only has your back, but everything around you as well.
Inspired by: Psalms 37