Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Brandi Jones - Future Fortune 500 CEO!

Don't you love it when you have a horrible day and something totally unexpected changes everything? My unexpected moment came when I heard the following on the six o'clock news: 

GM shakes up auto industry men's club, naming first woman CEO! 

While that may not mean much to a lot of you, that means the WORLD to me. Why? 

I've always been the little girl with big dreams of running a Fortune 500 company by the age of 50. After countless weekends learning the nuts and bolts of business and management with my parents, it wasn't a shock to anyone that I became a challenge driven professional in my adulthood. Some attribute it to genes, but I think it has everything to do with your upbringing and surroundings. So thank you parents, I owe all of my future success to you. Now I just have to figure out how to get there. 

I've heard numerous times that in order for you to achieve your goals, you must find successful individuals and research what paths they took to achieve their dreams. While your path may not be the same, it can't hurt to find out where your starting point should be. So I took their advice and applied my months of unemployment to researching my role models. Such as: 

Carly Fiorina, HP CEO (1999-2005)
Meg Whitman, Current HP CEO
Marissa Mayer, Yahoo
Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo
Ursula Burns, Xerox Corporation
and now...

Maria Barra, General Motors

Maria, 51 years old, is the first female to lead a global automaker. She is ranked #35 on Forbes Most Powerful Women list and has gradually worked her way up the corporate ladder. She has experience in manufacturing, engineering and senior management and has been with GM for 33 years, starting out as intern at the tender age of 18. I don't know about you, but I can't think of a better business role model. 

With only 21 female CEO's in this country, it's about time for some new blood. So get ready - I'll be claiming my seat come 2033. 

Check out the article below: 