Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tis' the Season for Giving! Give back in 2013!

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday! Not for the food, family or religious sentiments, although all of those items are very important, but because this is the only time of the year everyone unites to give! Between gifts, time and money, Christmas reminds me that at least once a year, love is all around!!

Now that I'm an official resident of Victoria, I'm reminded of the person I used to be. Once upon a time, before life got in the way, volunteering was a huge part of my life. It was more important to me to give my time to help others than it was to increase my material wealth. I'm not sure when I lost my way, but somewhere between college and bills, I suppressed a big part of what made me special. After some soul searching, I recently decided that there's no better time to re-evaluate what's important and start over! 

So where do I begin?

There are a ton of organizations I could join and assist, but after being unemployed for a few months I realized that I now have a passion project - helping others find employment. I'm already working online to help others, but it's time to make my virtual assistance a reality. My first project - teaching computer classes to the community. My friends, co-workers and family have always stated that I should take my training lessons on the road, and I am now happy to say that I'm finally taking their advice. It is my goal to not only provide the basics for new and novice users, but hopefully provide training that will allow someone to receive a better job. If so, mission accomplished!! 

This idea is still in the beginning stages, but I hope to make it a reality soon. I've been known to bite off more than I can chew at times, and with the move and new job, I have to remember to pace myself. Either way, this is just the beginning and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Everyone knows I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, so maybe this new life/adventure is exactly where I need to be. If I have any readers out there, find a way to give back this season! 

Tis' the season for giving!