Monday, December 9, 2013


Have you ever thought about how much you're spending while you're unemployed?

It's been six months since my last paycheck and I'm scratching my head, sitting in Indian style, in the middle of my bed wondering, "Where did my money go?" 

I'm pretty sure I know where it all went, but without anything to show for it, I'm a little baffled. Wait, that's a lie. In my college days I discovered this little tactic called, "out of sight, out of mind" in relation to my expenses.
If I have income and hide all of my receipts, then it really doesn't matter how much or what I spend my money on. As long as my account never ventures into the negative side, all is well! 
Although this tactic has been good to me, I promised myself I would use a budget while unemployed. Did that happen? Not so much! 

The first couple months after my last day at work I started to live like a Real Housewife of Houston. I spent money like it was going out of style and categorized it all as investments. For example:  

Pending interview = New outfit + Shoes = Investment into future employment. 
Temporary stay at parents house = Entertaining + drinking = Investment into future sanity. 
Las Vegas = Gambling = Investment into business education, Statistical Economics at its best! 
Reading Entertainment = New Books = Investment into future self, better candidate! 
Dining Out = Investment into networking opportunities and my waistline. 
Traveling = Extra $$ for assigned seating = Investment into my future peace. 
Pedicures/Manicure = Investment into my personal brand. Gotta stand out from the rest. 
and the list continues...sadly. 

Fast forward six months later: I'm still without a paycheck and limited funds to spend on the necessary items. As I look around my room, I'm seriously contemplating what I can sell, because setting up house in another city is a tad bit more expensive than I originally intended. Either way, my advice to other individuals using their nest egg to survive, don't blow it! Save every penny! You'll thank me later! 

Be on the lookout for a "For Sale" post coming soon. ;)